Is Stem Cell Treatment Worth It?
May 20, 2020 at 4:00 AM
by Carl Gittens, MD
stem cell treatment<br/>

Stem cell treatment is not a new concept but is a promising one for people suffering from certain chronic or debilitating conditions. Considered a form of regenerative therapy, stem cell treatment works by harnessing the body’s power to heal itself.

While stem cell treatment is growing in popularity, some patients still wonder if it is the right option for them. There are several factors to consider when exploring stem cell treatment.

1. The cost of treatment

The cost associated with regenerative medicine often is a determining factor. It depends greatly on the type and source of the stem cells, a patient’s existing medical conditions, and the total number of treatments required for the successful treatment of the patient. 

An added issue with cost is traditional healthcare insurance companies do not pay for stem cell treatment as it is still considered experimental. You can talk with Dr. Gittens about estimates for the cost of your treatment, as well as any payment plans offered to patients. At Carl Gittens, MD, Regenerative Medicine, we work with patients to find affordable solutions to their stem cell treatment needs. 

2. The type of stem cells being used

There are several sources for stem cells – bone marrow, cord blood, adipose. At our regenerative medicine clinic, we use stem cells from your tissues during treatment. We believe in the power of stem cells to stimulate the body’s natural ability to repair itself. Our innovative method is a proven treatment of inflammation and improves the return to normal functioning following orthopedic treatments. 

3. The injury or illness being treated

The type and severity of the injury or illness being treated is part of the consideration for stem cell treatment. Among the conditions that respond well to regenerative medicine are sprains, tendonitis, herniated discs, osteoarthritis, arthritis, back pain, tennis shoulder and elbow, and inflammation. 

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy can speed up recovery time for common ailments affecting the hips, neck, wrists, shoulders, and elbows. PRP therapy uses two blood components – platelets and plasma – to stimulate healing properties in the body. The process involves drawing blood from the patient, spinning it to collect the plasma and platelets, and then combining the two. The combined solution is then injected into the injured area of the body to promote healing. 

4. The team delivering the treatment

It is crucial to determine if the team delivering the stem cell or PRP therapy is experienced and accredited. Well versed in regenerative medicine, our team is led by Carl Gittens, M.D. He specializes in regenerative medicine, with specialties in stem cell and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy. Our overall goal is to provide pain relief to patients that do not involve invasive and risky surgical procedures. We are dedicated to helping patients resolve their pain in the least intrusive manner possible.

Learn More About Stem Cell and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatments

At Carl Gittens, MD, Regenerative Medicine, we are South Florida’s number one choice for regenerative medicine. 

We have three convenient locations:

  • 611 Southwest Federal Highway, Ste. E
    Stuart, FL 34994
  • 4440 PGA Blvd., Ste. 600
    Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
  • 18851 NE 29th Ave.
    Aventura, FL 33180

Contact us today to learn if regenerative medicine is right for you. Schedule your free consultation today.